Well, one thing I really do miss about Hong Kong is the weather there.... Sigh. If we had the weather they have right now, Singapore's perfecttttt. hahahah.
So well, Went to hongkong (again i know) for study trip, this time with the school so yep. Flight was at 2pm on Monday so checked in around 12.. Lucky my group mates are basically our own people (Estella, Mel, Sya, Pramod & Awul) with an addition of another 2 guys.. but most of the time it was just the 6 of us together. :DDD
1st day
After arriving in HK, we boarded the coach to some of the tourists spots since we couldn't visit any schools/hospitals in the evening. Went to The Peak which was rather high, and some of them went to the Wax museum. We just walked around the area since we didn't want to go to the museum and waste money.. till it was time to leave.
Went to bauhanias square of smth, but we didn't get off the bus for a ten minute photoshoot. Lol. Dinner at Tsim Sha Tsui, and then we went to the Avenue of Stars for a short while.
Headed and checked in at the hotel and packed our stuff! Damn awesome, shared the room with Sya, Mel and Lala and the good part was that we didn't have to squeeze. Got 4 beds provided!! :DD heehee.
2nd day
Next day, had breakfast buffet at the hotel which was okay okay lah. Then we went to Open University of Hong Kong to see see. They have a cool conference room with damn high tech looking stuff. Hahah.
Short trip actl, we ended about 12 nn plus. So free time already. The teachers & tour guides brought us to Ladies Market and the Street market that the local frequent so we did quite a lot of shopping!! Hahah happy kids. We didn't even bother going over to Ladies Market since the local street market was already damn awesome. I didn't get to go there the previous time, think my aunt didn't know. But point is, yeah it's damn awesome. Lol. We train-ed to Tsim Tsa Tsui after there ( we were given 7hours of shopping!) cause I wanted to bring them to the Espirit Outlet. So yep, we did and had to make calls back to my aunt to confirm the location. Lol. Shopped and then went back to the meeting place. (: Went back to hotel to rest, and that night, I lost my voice for the next 2 days. Ughhh, damn horrible. Never had such a bad sorethroat. Mass spam Strepsils like nuts.. haha. Slept over at the Awul&Pramod's room with Mel to watch the Liverpool vs Real Madrid champs league game. And we won 4-1!! Hahahaha.
3rd day
Needless to say, we were like walking zombies the next day lah. And the worst thing was we had to visit like 2 places on that day so yeah.. I fell asleep during some of the talks. Lol. Went to University of Hong Kong first which is the govt uni and we joined some of their lecture/tutorial groups. The students really damn studious, not like us... hahaha. And the mannequins are so cute!! Cuter than ours... Then went to visit Adventist Hospital, a private hospital. Yep, both places brought us on tours etc..

Caught in the action before I actually did smack Awul. LOL.
Adventist Hospital
Eating our HK tour guide.. Lol.
After that, free time around.. 5plus? We had dinner at the Indian Restaurant with superb Naan!! hhahahaha, I have cravings for Naan now.. ;) hehe. After dinner, we went back to the local market to finish up some of the shopping. :DDD And then we went back on our own to the hotel! Played card games, and the continuation games which was quite funny and then we had an early night I think..
4th day
Last visiting place was Queen Mary Hospital which the govt hospital.. took a tour, and briefing blahblah.. after that free time all the way till curfew which was 11pm. Lol. Oh, we were brought to Tung Chung which was where the mall with many brands' outlet stores were.. So yup, the rest bought quite a number of stuff since they're relatively worth it.. I got two A|X tees since I was there the other time, so nothing much to buy. Lol. We went back to hotel early, like around 7pm? Yeah, took away sushi and salads(damnnnn cheap!!!) back to hotel to feast!! Hahah, very nice! And the sushi is definitely like worth the price. Pack-ed up as well, and the guys came over so we played Taboo and Charade! Haha, voiceless still but I won both games!!! LOL. yayysss hahahahah. Times that I've spent playing Taboo with Nurul they all during school paid off well... heeheee.
5th day
Last day was just to check in to airport, so we didn't have to wake up that early. But we had the breakfast at the hotel still, then went to the airport already. Had popeyes!!! Hahaha. yay. Lol.

Three of us only because Lala still sleeping.. Lol.
4 beds!
Doing last min's packing and checking, while the happy girl sits waiting. Lol.

At Airport's Disneyland shop! :D:D
Took the flight back to Singapore, slept most of the time after I watched Changeling.
Reached Singapore, and love came to pick me up! :D Mwarkz. Hahaha. We cabbed back from bedok, more cheaper... Then accompanied love to eat KFC. Yep. Home sweet home!
Had a good trip in all, I'm glad the rest of the group came cos I really had fun! heehee! :D:D:D
Oh, by the time this entry is done, Liverpool have already won Man Utd 4-1 at Old Trafford. Can you feel my joy?! Hahaha DAMN SHIOKKKKKKKKKKK. ALL THE WAY!!!
okay, shit.. i watch how ronaldo had his kick.. den don noe which guy from liverpool score the ball.. den i tot, the victory will belong to MAN.U... well.. sad to say, wth.. and anw.. study trip to HK? from SINGAPORE? HK ppl are diff from SG ppl? they gt extra lungs? or stomach? freaky.. LOL
Lol, liverpool totally rocked the entire week. 4 goals to real, 4 goals to man u. hahahahha!! shiokness. lol. and duh, of course the trip is not to study hk ppl right. -.- dumb leh. hahaha. go there visit their universities and their hospitals style lah.
.... Ya, joy with all your liverpool fans, but not for long.. don worry. haha.. orh.. I see, hospitals gt different styles one meh? how they kill the patients, is diff from singapore? lol
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