Not gonna be blogging here anymore, maybe once in awhile but not as frequent.
meanwhile, you can catch me still over at tumblr! (:
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
BB! :D
:D:D:D Weehooooooooooo! :D
First day of attachment today, not that bad. At least I have Mellie for company and we're in the same cubicle somemore!!! YESSSS. hahahahaha, I think I'm gonna be able to survive for at least this 3 weeks.
And to my dearest, thank you for today!!! :D I love you!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Gotta mind my spending for this month.. I really wanna save money and not spend on online shopping for this month but its so temptingggggggggggg. Rawrrrrrr.
Cannot, must save must save must save. I want to get my BBB this week, so I MUST SAVE. No spending of clothes. Yes. Can do it.
I need my mum to sponser for my tp.. Ahhh tmr got lesson somemore. PDL renewed today. Damnit, driving's sucking me dry soon. Shittyyz.
On a brighter note, I dont think I'll spend as much during attachment?
Gotta mind my spending for this month.. I really wanna save money and not spend on online shopping for this month but its so temptingggggggggggg. Rawrrrrrr.
Cannot, must save must save must save. I want to get my BBB this week, so I MUST SAVE. No spending of clothes. Yes. Can do it.
I need my mum to sponser for my tp.. Ahhh tmr got lesson somemore. PDL renewed today. Damnit, driving's sucking me dry soon. Shittyyz.
On a brighter note, I dont think I'll spend as much during attachment?
Monday, August 24, 2009
22nd. XOXO
Happy 22nd, love. :D
Time flies doesn't it.. 2 more months and we hit 2 years. Haha. Memories during our first few months together still fresh in my head. Gonna miss you hell lots when you enlist, but I have faith in us. ;p
Thank you for always being there for me, no matter what kind of temper I throw or how upset I get, thank you for always being so patient with me, and never the one to flare up first.
And thank you love, for always giving in and doing the little things to cheer me up. Though our relationship ain't one that depends on monetary value to make us happy, but your presence and the things you do to make up for it are more than enough.
xoxo, yours. :D
Time flies doesn't it.. 2 more months and we hit 2 years. Haha. Memories during our first few months together still fresh in my head. Gonna miss you hell lots when you enlist, but I have faith in us. ;p
Thank you for always being there for me, no matter what kind of temper I throw or how upset I get, thank you for always being so patient with me, and never the one to flare up first.
And thank you love, for always giving in and doing the little things to cheer me up. Though our relationship ain't one that depends on monetary value to make us happy, but your presence and the things you do to make up for it are more than enough.
xoxo, yours. :D
Waruku (Pasta) for dinner, Borders before that to get my mag, and dinner was gooood. :D Fullllzzzz. Hahah. Walked around to visit the favorite shops but nothing much since it was near to closing time. Town was awfully quiet but I like! No crowds, and for the first time, FEP was soooo quiet. Hahah. :D

McCafe to slack around, pictures before home.
Love youuu hun!

Today was the last day of school for year 3, nxt sem onwards are all attachment. Sigh. The 2 exam papers overall was alright, we had enough tips to get by so yep. I hope I get a decent GPA for the Sem. Hahaha. :D
Oh we took class photos sometime back for year book, so here they are. Used picasa to compile the pictures for this post because I'm quite tired to load them up one by one, besides, Picasa is the next awesome thing around. Lol.
Oh we took class photos sometime back for year book, so here they are. Used picasa to compile the pictures for this post because I'm quite tired to load them up one by one, besides, Picasa is the next awesome thing around. Lol.

P02! Without Nabil.
We retook today, with Ros and Nabil with uniforms but I don't have the pictures so this shall suffice! haha.
One of the days when we rented DVDs to watch... I think we were watching Pulse 2. hahaha hence Nadj's clutching my pillow. =p
I have 6 days of holidays. Am gonna fully utilize it manzzzzzzzzz. Hahahah. Okay gotta go sleep naowwwwwwwwww, bye!
One of the days when we rented DVDs to watch... I think we were watching Pulse 2. hahaha hence Nadj's clutching my pillow. =p
I have 6 days of holidays. Am gonna fully utilize it manzzzzzzzzz. Hahahah. Okay gotta go sleep naowwwwwwwwww, bye!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Rawr, one last paper to go for Monday and year3 (acad-wise) is over. Bahh, then again people who know me wld know that i'd rather take exams anytime than go for attachment. Lol. 6weeks.. gosh. At least I've Mellie for company!! :DD
Gna get my BB nxt week.. Hoorayy! :D
Getting to sleep nowadays seem tougher than usual. Sigh, too many thoughts running through, too many what ifs colliding. Need to give myself a knock on the head to make everything go away so i can sleep.. Sigh. So in the end, I've been sleeping really late.. well. thank god for study week.
Will update after Monday, a proper one with visuals. (:
For now, back to NURM and.. gotta stop surfing the net. Lol.
Gna get my BB nxt week.. Hoorayy! :D
Getting to sleep nowadays seem tougher than usual. Sigh, too many thoughts running through, too many what ifs colliding. Need to give myself a knock on the head to make everything go away so i can sleep.. Sigh. So in the end, I've been sleeping really late.. well. thank god for study week.
Will update after Monday, a proper one with visuals. (:
For now, back to NURM and.. gotta stop surfing the net. Lol.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Psst: I made this animation gif that has the old man sticking out his tongue(My fav scene!!! so cute!) but it
We(the sabre team) caught Up! last friday! Absolutely heartwarming and one of the finest and awesome-st Pixar movie ever. It's so sweet, and colourful!!! I luvvv the old man. He's so cute. Hahahahaha. I want a house with many helium balloons to lift it. Hahaha. Awesome really, you guys shld catch it if you haven't! :D
Anyway it was a midnight movie so after that, Nadj, me, jw, QX and momo ton the night out while the rest cabbed home. We walked from cine to Esplanade, and then talked cock there by the bay. Played asshole blackjack, slept here and there before catching the first bus home. :DD Hahaha.
And then it was a longgg weekend, and happy 44th birthday Spore! This is late, I know, but ohwell, May our country grow strong and prosperous! :DD And I luv LKY. He's like the, best. :D
Training today was goooooooood. I havent fenced so much in a long long long long while. I think I love fencing but I still dont like PT that much though I've learned to come a long wayyyyy ~ Haha. Fencing with the guys still sucks to a certain extent bec they hit damn hard!!!!! RAWRRRRR. ): But I had fun! :D
Tmr's nurses day's performance even though its like... 12 days late. Ohwell. I think I might leave early.
Okay, need to cram in some revision for tmr's class test. Bahhhhhh. Night night!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
We're left with just the report which is already almost done to be submitted next week. Presentation today was awesome!! I never felt like this before in my 3 years of presentations. Gosh. First time so formal, first time so nervous, and first time felt a great sense of achievement.
All the late nights slogging, the worrying, the SUPERDUPER LACK OF SLEEP, the last minute touch ups and stress and anxiety, I swear we ourselves were already suffering from depression and anxiety. (our topic was depression and anxiety leading to suicide. LOL.)
and we got a damn A. A. A FREAKING A. I'm still in shock that we did it. You have no idea how happy we were when Thomas told us our grade. Ohmg, we literally skipped/ran out of the lecture theatre after we were done, squealing and yeah, I burst into tears. Seriously, all the hard work and effort paid off, just for that 25mins.
I love my team mates man. Thank you Aifah, thank you Nurul, thank you Sha, thank you Ros and thank you Fang Yann! The past 2 years with you guys working our asses off on every projects and presentations gave me faith and confidence that we could make it. And despite this being the most impt presentation of our entire 3 years in Nursing, even though it was damn last minute and we only managed to finally complete the ppt 2hours before the presentation, I'm proud of it all. Proud that you guys were the ones that I share this glory with. ♥♥
Really, this entire week is the most draining of all. Monday was WPD presentation, Tues was the last practical skill test of our 3 years, Today- the big FYP presentation and tmr would be DDD presentation even though its the least of my concern at all. But honestly, I swear I'm going sleep and catch up on my hours after class ends at 10am tmr.
It's all coming to an end, finally. (:
p.s: I dont really wanna think about that issue for now, I dont know what im supposed to do to salvage it but honestly, I'm really too tired to do anything. Let it be.
Monday, August 3, 2009
I guess this is how you feel when you realise you lost someone close.
Virtual Strangers.
That's how I feel we stand now.
Whatever happened, I dont know. Maybe we just lost the need to put in more effort to sustain it going. I don't know how you feel but maybe you probably don't feel that much already. Since you don't bother visiting like you used to, this place you probably wouldn't even know it exist.
Perfect timing for everything to come down. This really sucks.
So we went to check out Ion Orchard today! Superrrr hugeee and they have 4 basements!!! Lol. well, first level onwards are all branded goods so we headed down to basements where the affordables ones remain. Lol. The topshop is so colourful!! I likey!! Heehee and so much more organised. They restocked some of the old stocks as well I think. :DD Awesomeeeee ~
Too bad RI and Uniqlo aren't open yet. And they have the Rubi store!! Neon shoes! Lol.
And not to mention, awesome Dunkin' Donuts opened there!! Long queuesssss so after exploring the entire basements except B3 and B4(the food court I think), we went to queue up to get dunkin donuts! :DD
Got out of the mall and took a breather outside on the red seats to eat our donuts, and took pictures as well! :D
Oh we got new friend today, Yellow the balloonnnnnn ~ Heehee. I wanna watch Up. And hopefully the sabre gang are gonna watch it this weekend. Lol.
Freaky eye in the 1st, normal-er in the 2nd. LOL.
Not fair, he has longer eyelashes...
I found Yellow a new friend!!
Before Ion we went to FEP and ate @ Hans, then searched around for my outfit for FYP presentation. Finally got it at This Fashion which surprisingly stores rather good looking skirts and long sleeved shirts. Happy I amzxxzx. :DD
My havianas broke on friday so we walked to NUM to get new flops, and yay NP students got 20% discounts. Lol. And the sales guys were damn funny, love said they actually scissors paper stone to decide who to tell us the promotions. Lol.
Mac at heerens basements for dinner, and we ended up reading newspapers/read book to rest our feet as well, before home in 143! (:
Oh, Sha's birthday was on friday, and we went to sentosa to celebrate! Will do a post when I get the pictures from Pramod, all I can say is that the car rides were damn eventful. From trying to escape ERP to taking the wrong route and ending up just below the ERP no 2 and running to 7-11 to top up cash card to getting lost and to sentosa finallyyyyyyyyyyy. Lol.
Had to get back to school for Nadj's award ceremony for CCA with Farhan, JB and Saiful, so yeap... Got free buffet food somemore. Quality ones. Lol. We went to One Rochester where Farhan worked and drank. Woah, the amount they serve apparently is more than the normal ones out there, value for money. And needless to say, Alcohol + Extreme tiredness = Knockout when I got home. Lol. =/
Tmr's WPD presentation, then Tues's practical test (SHIT NERVOUS) and then wed's the FYP presentation.. at 7pm!!!! Damn. Tough week. I can't wait for friday already. Rawr.
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