Psst: I made this animation gif that has the old man sticking out his tongue(My fav scene!!! so cute!) but it
We(the sabre team) caught Up! last friday! Absolutely heartwarming and one of the finest and awesome-st Pixar movie ever. It's so sweet, and colourful!!! I luvvv the old man. He's so cute. Hahahahaha. I want a house with many helium balloons to lift it. Hahaha. Awesome really, you guys shld catch it if you haven't! :D
Anyway it was a midnight movie so after that, Nadj, me, jw, QX and momo ton the night out while the rest cabbed home. We walked from cine to Esplanade, and then talked cock there by the bay. Played asshole blackjack, slept here and there before catching the first bus home. :DD Hahaha.
And then it was a longgg weekend, and happy 44th birthday Spore! This is late, I know, but ohwell, May our country grow strong and prosperous! :DD And I luv LKY. He's like the, best. :D
Training today was goooooooood. I havent fenced so much in a long long long long while. I think I love fencing but I still dont like PT that much though I've learned to come a long wayyyyy ~ Haha. Fencing with the guys still sucks to a certain extent bec they hit damn hard!!!!! RAWRRRRR. ): But I had fun! :D
Tmr's nurses day's performance even though its like... 12 days late. Ohwell. I think I might leave early.
Okay, need to cram in some revision for tmr's class test. Bahhhhhh. Night night!
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