I feel like there's things to be done...
But, I can't remember if I am supposed to do anything tonight.
How ar, I think this sem is kinda messed up. ):
I got not much motivation to mug, and the thoughts that persist in my brain after I step into school everyday, is what time I'm going to end.
Die lar, really. Sigh.
Everyday only want to sleep.. sleep sleep sleep.. I think I might have a sleeping disorder. I want to sleep but it's 920pm and I don't wanna have a nap at this time, neither do I want to go to bed now at this time.
Ulcers are springing up like nobody's business.. Ughh.. I'm gonna start garbling soon if this goes on. -Garbles-
Okay, I'm happy I got my shirt today with love, and tomorrow got training which is the last training with David before he flies off to Brubrubruneiiiiiii. ): Aye, all the coaches are leaving us. Bahzz..
This, is really a pointless entry. Congrats to you if you came thus far. :D
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
The part 2.
How was your weekend! I'm happyhappyhappy because I think I had the most fantastic weekend of the current year. :D:D Heehee. It's quite sad though, to have it passed so fast.. and quite depressing to think that school goes on per normal tomorrow, with equally lots of projects.. lectures.. boring tutorials.. GAH!!!
But, okay, I still have like 9hours to go before I'm due back in school, so I'm still going to enjoy the weekendssss. hahaha.
Well, reason for the fantastic weekend was because the love and I booked a chalet at ECP and spend a day/night together, and for once no academics whatsoever to be bothered about. :D Heehee.
Met up after his duty at Great Eastern Run 10k, wanted to collect our shirts at Queens but the shop wasn't opened.. =/ So we had lunch at Bedok Int first and got some drinks & food for the stay. Cabbed over to the chalet since the bus queue was insanely long and we were tired from the rides already. Hahaha.
Check-ed in and all, surprisingly the place wasn't that bad. Quite nice actually, the bed was big. I like. HAHA. Bummed around & watched HSM2 while he sleptzzzzz and then we walked out to the Mac area there for dinner. Had turkish crusine which was damndamndamn awesomeezzzz heehee.
Took a walk around the beach lovesx100000 but sadly no starry nights because there were many light pollutions with cloudy skies. ): Alot of people camping out also, glad we decided to get a chalet instead of camping since it was so crowded.. don't think we'll be able to find a good spot anyway. Hahah.
Thought of cycling, but then too sian, so we went back to the chalet after the walk, bathed and then watched Mindhunters until we fell asleep. Didn't bring extra shirt since I wanted to use the new one so ended up wearing one of love's sparespare shirt. Hah. He brought damn alot though.. like.. 4? LOL. And I forgot my comb.. so yeah. I think my hair's condition's further compromised, damn tangled. Need a haircutzz......
Slept to around 7 plus, plan was to go eat the breakfast buffet which was complimentary for guests at the resort cafe, but we were both too lazy so we slept and watched tv and slept and watched tv until it was time to go. Went to botak jones for lunch after checking out and it was damn freaking full lar..... =/ I think must start training earnestly already.. )):
So yeap, it was a good relaxing weekend spent, even though we didn't do much but hey, the company made up for every single part. :D:D Hahah.
To simply sum everything up: Nothing beats having you around, and nothing beats waking up in your arms! :D LOVES<3
And I wish everyday was like this but.... well.. ):
Oh, the secret present was..... PILLOW! handsewn by yours truly okay!! Ohmg. Never thought I would end up doing such a thing but ah well.. haha, THANK YOU PIGPIG for your guidance too. hahaha!
Ahhhh, I want to watch Grey's anatomy.. but the damn thing is loading damn slowlyzz.......
OH. LIVERPOOL WON CHELSEA!!!! WOOHOOO, even though I missed the match, but.. WOOHOO!!! haahahah!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Projects, and more dashes.
Week 2 of the academic has passed, and the past week has been really frantic and tiring. Rushing out projects, and alot of miscommunication. We thought we had to present NS3 this week, so we rushed it out, only to realise that we were to present on Week 4. -.- And then on wednesday, we found out we were supposed to present NS4 on thursday. So yeah... alot of mad rush for deadlines, and boring lectures in between, and I finally subcummed to tiredness, dozing off in one of the lectures completely. =/ Hahaha.
Found time in between though, to head out to PS with Mellie (THANK YOUUU!) to get my materials for the secret anniversary gift for the love. Oh, had to manage to finish up the gift in time for the week so I can pass it to him on sunday, during our P2 of the celebration. HAHAH. After getting the stuff, went over to Cathay wanting to eat Aston but the queue was as usual, too horrible so we gave up and settled for Nihon (?) Jap food. Hah, not that bad actually! The don's quite gooood. Heehee. Full, too. :D
So well, I'm glad we have a long weekend ahead, because I figured I really need some catching up of sleep after this week. Lol. NSL's been fairly kind to me, since the topics are still relatively interesting.. haha.
Oh! Got my next posting as well, KKH!!! Ohmg, I really have no idea what time I'm going to wake up man. Also, not in the same ward and batch as Mellie & Lala already.. Aww. No more lunch companions. Luckily though, there are still some people that I know in my batch.. Yep. Hopefully it'll all go well lah. UhUh..
Went over to Mel's place today to finish up some work, and then I spent the rest of the day looking at her work for NSL's presentation. I think Pigpig's really creative and good at handicraft. Hahaha, I admire your determination manzz. And I'm glad your end product (well, okay HALF-end) looks amazing. Vicky better give you really good grades for the amount of effort you put in.. Hahah. :D
Alright, I'm going to watch GA, and then probably head off to bed already. Tired tired!
Have a good weekend ahead! (:
Friday, October 24, 2008
365 days..
Though it wasn't the smoothest year, but I'm glad we made it with each other. I love you plenty plenty! You know how much you mean to me, despite the quarrels we may have, but your love wins everything else that stands in our way. (:
365 days isn't enough,
Because I want your laughter, your smiles, your joy, to cheer me up ;
Because your hugs&kisses never fail to brighten me up ;
Because your shoulders are the only shoulders I want to lay my head on ;
Because your arms are the only arms that will catch me when I fall ;
Because your body is the only one I can safely lean on while standing in a crowded bus, and fall asleep still ;
Because only your attempts to cheer me up whenever I'm sad or down will work ;
Because I know you're the only one who says sorry everytime I'm sad/angry even though it's not your fault, and you know it but you just don't want to see me sad ;
Because you're the only one who will bother telling me you love me still every single time despite making you angry ;
Because you're always the one who reassures me about us when my insecurities crops up ;
Because you can complete my thoughts without me voicing them out ;
Because I know how much I mean to you everytime you look at me and smile with such earnest and love that it goes straight to the heart ;
Because I know that no matter how hard it is, you'll never fail to clear up any misunderstandings with me and not just go on a silent war (you have no idea how thankful i am for this! :D ) ;
Because your every little action, touches my heart even though I don't mention it all the time ;
Because I know that no matter what happens, you'll always be there for me.
And because, I love you so much that faith and optimism are actually turning into a reality for me, that I'm starting to hope and trust because of you, and believe, that for once, We'll have our house and car, and little kids running around, and just this time, our fairytale might be true.
I ♥ you.
Always will, always do.
:D So, yesterday was my anniversary with the love. Quite hard to believe it's been a year already, and that time flies fast. But still, I never did regret the decision we made, and I'm glad we've come this far. :D:D
Went to Harbourfront's Ramenten after school for dinner. :D:D Hahah, I miss the ramen. Starving like nuts so yep, the food tasted goooood. Heehee.
Full full after that, and we walked around Vivo. Went to Toys' R Us and got fascinated and amused by the toys around, while love entertained himself with star wars & gundam figurines. Hahah.
Bumped into prong & her mum, which was nice yet awkward.. hahahahah. ;)
Had superdog after that when we were less full, and ohmg, the hotdog's damn awesome. hahahah. And the fries are very potato-ish! heehee. :D:D Too bad we were too full, or I would have tried the cheese fries too... Looks pretty good though. Hah.

Though we had a simple celebration, but I'm glad everything worked out fine and well yesterday! :DDD
And Goldkist finally replied me today, so yay, I hope tomorrow's going to be awesome. Feels like part 2 of the celebration... heehee. (:
Lovesssss <3!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
After one whole year of anticipation, we went raya visiting today! Heehee. Damn tiring but ohmg, very very very fun!! And all the food were damn goooooood okay. :D:D
So let's see. We met up at Sya's place first. Amir biked over so he was first to reach, followed by me who cabbed bec I got conned into thinking I was the last one to arrive, then Pramod, Mellie&Nurul and the last one was Awul. Hahah, Awul was late because he got lost while driving. YESS.. DRIVING. Wahlao eh, made of us damn envious today okay! Lol.
So anyway, went up to Sya's house and we had fun, we watched this bollywood movie called "Om Shanti Om", at least I think that was the title lah. It was rather nice, and the rest of them actl were sneakily watching it on vcd last year during one of the lecturers. Hahah, so yep, the show was quite nice, and then we took group pictures and more before leaving for Hakim's place.
The girls took Awul's car, while Pramod biked with Amir and it was raining damn heavily so damn sway, the two of them were quite drenched. =/
Another round of eating at Hakim's place with pizza and more pictures, talked and played hide-and-seek (?!?!) hahahah! Damn coooolzzzzz heehee.
Nurul's house was next, and we watched cartoons and ate as well. Lol. The guys damn bad lah, they chose powerpuff girls over food. ZZZZZ hahah and coincidentally the three of them dressed in the colours of Nurul's place so we kept making them pose in the "I BLEND IN!" and "SPOT ME!" positions. Hah.
4th stop: Awul's crib and we had MORE food, oh my goodness. Hahaha. Everyone was really just forcing food in alreadyz.. hahaha.
Supposed to head back to Amir's place at Jurong without Awul but because Amir didn't know the way back, Awul had to sent us all the way there. Ahhh, THANK YOU AWUL! Haha, felt quite bad so we gave him tokens!! haha and finally we reached our last stop for the day, everyone was damn exhausted and too full to eat but we managed to stuff a couple more bites while watching Mr and Mrs Smith. Played around with his swing at home and Dave popped by and became the photographer for the whole lot. And finallehz, cabbed back home with Sya and Pramod. :D:D:D
Lol, because of Awul, the entire day's topic kept revolving around driving, driving license etc etc but I'm getting really excited and I want to take the tests fast fast now!!!!! Hahaha. Aim for all of us is to get by next year so we can have cars&cars&cars for raya! Hah! But seriously, I think I'll go down BBDC by this week and register and hopefully get a slot next week for BTT and take with Sya. Heehee. :DDD Hopeefullyyyy!!
Other than that, had alot fun with the company, especially watching Awul & Amir chasing each other, following each other because Amir's damn blur and kept getting lost/ don't know the way. Hahah, if only school was like that, and we were all still back in p10. ): Ah well... I'll look forward to lunches spent with them and next month, we're going to the zoo zoo zoo!!! :D
That's all for the weekend, I hope this week goes well with all the numerous presentations. I figured I'll get some extra work done tmr I think.. =/
So let's see. We met up at Sya's place first. Amir biked over so he was first to reach, followed by me who cabbed bec I got conned into thinking I was the last one to arrive, then Pramod, Mellie&Nurul and the last one was Awul. Hahah, Awul was late because he got lost while driving. YESS.. DRIVING. Wahlao eh, made of us damn envious today okay! Lol.
So anyway, went up to Sya's house and we had fun, we watched this bollywood movie called "Om Shanti Om", at least I think that was the title lah. It was rather nice, and the rest of them actl were sneakily watching it on vcd last year during one of the lecturers. Hahah, so yep, the show was quite nice, and then we took group pictures and more before leaving for Hakim's place.
The girls took Awul's car, while Pramod biked with Amir and it was raining damn heavily so damn sway, the two of them were quite drenched. =/
Another round of eating at Hakim's place with pizza and more pictures, talked and played hide-and-seek (?!?!) hahahah! Damn coooolzzzzz heehee.
Nurul's house was next, and we watched cartoons and ate as well. Lol. The guys damn bad lah, they chose powerpuff girls over food. ZZZZZ hahah and coincidentally the three of them dressed in the colours of Nurul's place so we kept making them pose in the "I BLEND IN!" and "SPOT ME!" positions. Hah.
4th stop: Awul's crib and we had MORE food, oh my goodness. Hahaha. Everyone was really just forcing food in alreadyz.. hahaha.
Supposed to head back to Amir's place at Jurong without Awul but because Amir didn't know the way back, Awul had to sent us all the way there. Ahhh, THANK YOU AWUL! Haha, felt quite bad so we gave him tokens!! haha and finally we reached our last stop for the day, everyone was damn exhausted and too full to eat but we managed to stuff a couple more bites while watching Mr and Mrs Smith. Played around with his swing at home and Dave popped by and became the photographer for the whole lot. And finallehz, cabbed back home with Sya and Pramod. :D:D:D
Lol, because of Awul, the entire day's topic kept revolving around driving, driving license etc etc but I'm getting really excited and I want to take the tests fast fast now!!!!! Hahaha. Aim for all of us is to get by next year so we can have cars&cars&cars for raya! Hah! But seriously, I think I'll go down BBDC by this week and register and hopefully get a slot next week for BTT and take with Sya. Heehee. :DDD Hopeefullyyyy!!
Other than that, had alot fun with the company, especially watching Awul & Amir chasing each other, following each other because Amir's damn blur and kept getting lost/ don't know the way. Hahah, if only school was like that, and we were all still back in p10. ): Ah well... I'll look forward to lunches spent with them and next month, we're going to the zoo zoo zoo!!! :D
That's all for the weekend, I hope this week goes well with all the numerous presentations. I figured I'll get some extra work done tmr I think.. =/
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